Eight Silly Fashion Myths Uncovered

The world of fashion never stops turning and fresh styles are always being added to the mix. That said, the world of women’s fashion is one of the places where rules were made to be broken. Sometimes we cling on to old styles and silhouettes simply out of habit, other times we totally misinterpret a signature look. We can either get fashion 100 per cent right, or 100 per cent wrong – it seems there’s rarely any middle ground.

So what is the clueless, average girl about town to make of the complex messages about women’s fashion that come at us from the pages of magazines, on the catwalks and online? Read on for some interesting insights into eight of the biggest fashion myths – it’s time they were busted once and for all…

No white in winter

This old-fashioned rule definitely belongs in the fashion bin. Back in the day, wearing white in winter was considered bad form, but if you followed this rule today, you’d be cutting yourself off from a whole host of gorgeous white wonders. What about white faux fur coats, white fisherman’s jumpers, white jeans and the perfect white cashmere suit? How could we not wear white in winter? What a ridiculous notion…

Bags and shoes must match

Why should they? Because that’s what the fashion police always used to say. Well now we’ve seen sense and moved on from that strict regime. Listen up, girls. Shoes and handbags do not need to match. A handbag and shoe can be from opposite ends of the colour and style spectrum, it matters not a jot.

Mixing prints is a fashion crime

No it isn’t. Placing Paisleys with florals or dressing with tartans and animal prints in tandem is nothing short of super stylish. One glance at the catwalks over the last few years will tell you that mixing and matching pattern and print is one of the strongest themes in recent times.

Colour combination fails

If we believed the fashion myths, we’d never leave the house wearing navy and black or gold and silver together. But seeing as we are sensible, level headed women who know when something looks good – we’ll just ignore them and keep on wearing whatever colours of the rainbow we like. Apparently, wearing navy and black and gold and silver together attracts frowns from the fashionista crowds – and we should care, why?

Bling ban

If you wear any kind of bling before nightfall, you’ll be a fashion failure. Wrong! Don’t worry, this silly state of affairs doesn’t apply any more. You can wear as many glittery garments as you like during daylight hours, because this is another myth that’s been de-bunked. Imagine not being able to go down to the launderette in your sequinned onesie…

Sock and sandal shocker

You always used to be able to tell an Englishman abroad by his footwear/sock selection. Sandals with socks for well seasoned Brits used to be the footwear combo of choice – and it was laughed at the world over. Spool forward to today, and we are in a situation where the socks and sandals look is rocking fashion circles.  The world has been turned on its head. Open toed wedges worn with diamanté crusted silky ankle socks, strappy Manolos coupled with angora hiking socks – anything goes right now in the shoes and socks canon, so we can chuck out that old chestnut about it being super-naff.

Short girls can’t wear long dresses

Absolute poppycock. Tailoring has moved on and small physiques look just as fabulous in long dresses and trousers as the more statuesque ladies. Focus on getting a perfect fit and style that compliments your compact dimensions and there’s no reason you can’t impress in full length style.

Your waist always needs a belt

No it doesn’t. The feminine silhouette is traditionally defined by an hourglass figure, so belts have always been the go to accessory for help in this area. Yes, a belt will have the effect of cinching in your waist, but there are other ways of highlighting this part of your body. Try dress styles that track your contours, colour blocking, cropped jackets or body con dress styles to create the effect. Automatically reaching for a belt when you want to minimise your waist is now officially a fashion myth, consigned to the archives.

So there you are – eight fashion myths blown out of the water. Hopefully you will now feel more liberated in your fashion choices and take decisions based upon what you like, not what you think is the received wisdom. As you can see, fashions come and go – the only constant is you, and your biggest asset is your innate sense of personal style. Don’t forget it!

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