Marriage Get Effected By One Partners Addictions

Many people have termed addiction as a social threat, and they have called it right. It is so because addiction can lower the social interactions of a person. If a person is addicted towards a particular thing, then it is very evident that that person would depict reduced levels of social activity. At the same time, it can be said that the effects of pornography addiction on marriage are devastating and widespread. When a partner is addicted excessively towards pornography, then it can be said that it can lead to separation and ultimately divorce between the partners.

In many developed countries around the world, around 56% of divorces occur because one of the partners has the pornography addiction. On the other hand, the number of porn viewing audiences are increasing day by day, and this is the reason that many individuals are now addicted to porn these days. Addiction towards porn is a social evil that one should always take into account. By laying stress on how your sex life can deteriorate due to your masturbation addiction, you can significantly reduce your addiction towards porn.

By being addicted to porn, the real passion towards sex gets nullified

It is widely accepted the fact that great marital sex has little to do with technique and more with the mental aspects. It always depends on both the partners and their passion towards sex. But when porn is introduced into this equation, it destroys it all. It creates a false impression on the minds of the partner that without porn they cannot indulge in the act of sexual intercourse. In this way, many fall prey to the clutches of porn addiction. However, if an individual lays proper emphasis on how your sex life can deteriorate due to your masturbation addiction, they can significantly reduce their chances of being obsessed with pornography materials during sex.

Porn addiction diverts the attention of the couples engaged in the act

It is a widely accepted fact that porn addiction can drastically reduce the concentration level of the couples who are indulged in sex. Moreover, we live in a society that is very fast-paced in nature. Hence, it is vital that the couple indulges themselves in sexual activity without the presence of stress and pornography. Also, it can be said that porn makes us image weird sexual fantasies and hence there is the loss of trust and intimacy between the individuals. Furthermore, it can be said that porn addiction and masturbation addiction can give rise to ridiculous expectations in the mind of the partner. It is so because what we see in porn cannot be achieved in real life sexual encounters. Moreover, the portrayals in porn are always exaggerated in nature, and hence there is a tinge of artificiality to it.

Healthy marriages can be devastated if one of the partners is addicted towards porn. The best way to control porn addiction in case the user is married is to love their partner. Proper love can always reap rich dividends for them.

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