Our Guide To Designing Your Perfect Kitchen


A kitchen is a space probably the most used room in your house, so you desire it to be a place you love spending time in. The sense of well-being begins from a well equipped, wonderfully designed kitchen. It’s a place that requires the utmost style that should reflect your personality.  Also, as a wide variety of tasks takes place here, the kitchen must have sufficient, convenient features. Unfortunately, there are kitchens great at utilities but fails in appearance and vice versa. Balancing style and comfort is the key to have a phenomenal kitchen. That’s why it’s crucial to plan and design your kitchen that could harmoniously sync cooking with the exceptional dining experience.

 After all, it is going to be one of your favourite places in the house, don’t you want to design it quite flawlessly? Our guide to designing your kitchen will help you choose the right kitchen system, whether you have planned to do it with the help of an expert or do it alone. 

Designing a kitchen is never easy, considering in both styles related and budget-related. However, Ikea’s new kitchen system metod has made it exceptionally possible. Ikea launched its new kitchen cabinet system in 2013, replacing its old system called Faktum. Metod kitchen system comes with a highly customisable option that makes it unique and accessible for those who want their kitchen to be colourful and at the same time spacious. People who were already using the Faktum system seem to be pretty happy with the product. 

However, the metod system didn’t fail to lure the customers into changing their mind. In the kitchen designer’s opinion, metod cabinet system has excellent quality and the most affordable in the market. The modern metod Kitchen series is quite a classic and timeless looking kitchen design. 

So, why is it so popular? Installing a metod kitchen concept, you might give an elegant, stylish look with more layout ideas and storage possibilities. As the size of the cabinets designed in multiple numbers and it can be hung off in a wall rail, this kitchen concept is suitable for both the shortest or tallest of spaces. 

It offers Twenty-five door fronts, several colour options such as red, birch, grey, oak, brown, stainless steel, turquoise and more. The colour options they provide are vast compared to other Kitchen system making it outstanding and you don’t need to fret about having the same IKEA kitchen like everyone else. 

Therefore, the modern metod kitchen is an ideal choice for those on a limited budget. It offers all the benefits in looks and comfort-wise of a bespoke designer kitchen. Anyone would love to renovate their kitchen with this chic cabinet system and get lost in their own cooking station.

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